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A Beautiful Restroom Trailer Combining High-End Luxury With Low-End Maintenance
The array of warm, rich colors and beautiful styling used in The Executive will at once elevate the mood of any special occasion.

This eye-popping and stunning restroom features quartz counters, louvered doors, custom wall treatments, and stainless steel sinks – a truly luxurious comfort station that creates a rich, inviting environment crafted to make your guests feel relaxed and right at home.

While lightweight, spacious and beautiful describe this 10-station portable restroom unit, it boasts a wide array of common-sense features that are found in most of our luxury comfort stations.

comfort executive near garden

Standard Features of the Executive Series Restrooms

  • Weather-rated for use in colder climate extremes down to 0°F
  • Extremely durable, water-resistant, and odor-free
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Ladies’ area has five spacious stalls and a twin-basin vanity
  • Men’s space has two private stalls, three urinals, and a twin-basin vanity
  • Each area is individually climate-controlled to ensure complete comfort
  • Intuitive push-pedal flushable toilets
  • Innovative flush system efficiently cleans bowl while using a water-saving pint per flush
floor plan

Floor Plan for the Executive Model

Electrical and Water Requirements

  • Power Requirement: 3 dedicated 30 amp breakers.
  • Water Requirement: Standard 3/4″ FNPT fitting with minimum of 60 PSI at source, located within 50′ of unit placement.
  • Features onboard fresh water tank (requires water delivery).
Before You Rent…

For an overview of site requirements and responsibilities of the rental customer and our company in regards to renting a restroom trailer…

Click Here for a PDF Document

Combined Unit & Truck Lengths

There must be sufficient area to maneuver units into place.

Smallest Combined Truck and Unit Length: 40′
Largest Combined Truck and Unit Length: 56′

Make Your Next Project a Successful One With Piedmont Portables!