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An Upscaled Facility Where Traditional Portable Toilets Have Fallen Short.
The Comfort Elite product line addresses the need for upscaled facilities where traditional portable toilets fall short of customer needs. In view of increasing governmental restrictions and an ever-growing concern for public hygiene, the time has come for improved portable facilities. Comfort Elite portable restrooms are a logical and economical solution to the evolution and expansion of the portable sanitation industry.

Comfort Elite II

comfort elite in parking lot

Comfort Elite III

comfort elite in parking lot

Standard Features of the Comfort Elite Series Restrooms

  • Smaller restroom units for use where porta johns do not meet customer needs
  • Comfort Elite II features one ladies and one men’s unit
  • Comfort Elite III features two ladies units and one men’s
  • Sleek, upscale appearance – yet extremely durable and economical
  • Each area is individually climate controlled for added comfort
  • Push-pedal flushable toilets and flushing urinals
  • Up to 700 flushes on basic unit, or connect direct to sewer tap for unlimited use
  • Back-up emergency power access

Floor Plan for the Comfort Elite II

comfort elite floor plans

Floor Plan for the Comfort Elite III

comfort elite floor plans

Electrical and Water Requirements

  • Power Requirement: 2 dedicated 20 amp breakers
  • Water Requirement: Standard 3/4″ FNPT fitting with minimum of 60 PSI at source, located within 50′ of unit placement
  • Features onboard fresh water tank (requires water delivery)
Before You Rent…

For an overview of site requirements and responsibilities of the rental customer and our company in regards to renting a restroom trailer…

Click Here for a PDF Document

Combined Unit & Truck Lengths

There must be sufficient area to maneuver units into place.

Smallest Combined Truck and Unit Length: 40′
Largest Combined Truck and Unit Length: 56′

Make Your Next Project a Successful One With Piedmont Portables!